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Sunday, December 8, 2013

What God Created for us

God’s Creation what and why.  His purpose for us. 
These are notes I make from my general biblical study that I am going through.  I have added my notes and thoughts from questions that I have seen and read.  I first want to start with a small prayer.
Dear Lord,
I ask that you please open my eyes so I may see Your Word and open my mind so I may absorb and learn Your Word the way you want me to.  Please be with me and fill me with the fire of Your Holy Ghost as I read and learn.  I want more understanding.  I want the right understanding.  You are a great and merciful God.  I love you for it.  I would never be able to live my life without You and I thank you for it.  Thank you for accepting me for what I truly am.  I so understand that I am a sinner and I am not even close to being worthy to sit with the trash outside Your kingdom Gates.  But You sent Your loving Son down to the earth and sacrificed Himself for me I thank You.  Be with me Lord and again thank you.  In Christ’s name I pray.
I read and reread Genesis Chapter 1 over and over many times for a long time.  I did understand that God was the Creator of this Earth but there is more there and maybe you know this and maybe you don’t but either way I will share this anyways.  Not only did God make things but I finally saw His plan first and formost.  Yea I know everyone says He has a plan but really you need to understand how far back His planning stage happens.  Part of His plan was order.  Things didn’t just happen all at once but it did happen in a certain order.  What I like to say the ‘Order of Life’.  Keep in mind this order happens after our Earth (The ball dark planet) that He so carefully placed in the most perfect place in the galaxy.
God’s Order is as follows:
1.       Light – We need light to see.  Not just us but everything else needed light to see.  I mean really think about this.  All those guys with work benches or sheds or Garages that we all work in or even an office we need what?  We need good lighting so we can do our good works right.  So we first what turn on a light.  Why not God?  So yea His first was light.
2.       The first separation – this was something to be put between the waters.  Now remember that was waters known as the oceans and the waters from above or in some cases the mist from the above.  He called this sky.  So now we have an above and below.  At times I tend to look up and admire the awesome artwork that floats above us in the sky.  Such as the clouds and the colors.  It is really magnificent if you take the time to look.  I mean why not.  He took the time to make it for us.
3.       Second separation – This is where He wanted a smaller separation between the bodies of water on the earth and that is where our Land appears.  It keeps things where they need.  We needed that otherwise we would all be fish.  So there tells you his plan to make different things on this earth.  I personally am glad I am not a fish.  I love my place in His plan.  Not that the fish are on important.
4.       Third and final separation – This is where He adds time in my opinion.  Otherwise how would we really know when one day begins and ends?  I tell you I am grateful for this because there are days that I am glad ended and new begins. 
5.       Creation of Creatures of both Sky and Water – How great is that.  Now we have water and land and things to swim in the water and things to fly in the sky.  Have you actually ever stopped to look at these things?  Taken a trip to the aquarium or a bird sanctuary and seen His creations.  How magnificent and the past part they do not worry about anything.  At least not like we worry.  They survive knowing that they will find what they need.
Now let’s look at what He creates next.  Not just what but how much love was put into the next Creations?
Gen 1:1 – In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
We all know this to be true and fact and without dispute.  Here is the best part and I will start off with –
Gen 1:27 – So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.
Wow how awesome is that.  To create us in His image is so awe inspiring in itself.  When in doubt of what God looks like well you should look in the mirror.  He is there in you.  He is a part of you.  He made His likeness in His image. 
Ps 51:10 – Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
When I see that I see that before sin He did give us a pure/clean heart but Sin took over and darkened our hearts and that is why we became unclean.  We can choose to ask Him to change us back to a pure heart.  No it is far from easy because we have spent years following our flesh and not our pure hearts.  There are people who say follow your heart.  Well I will risk saying I so disagree with that.  Because I followed my heart for years and look where it got me.  I need to follow a pure heart a heart that can only be cleansed by God.  That makes a very large difference in how we feel and how we treat and look at others.
His love for us is again shown in one of my favorite verses.
Is 41:10 – So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strength you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Please tell me that is not a God or Creator who doesn’t care for us and our well-being.  I say it is and I challenge anyone to say different.  I have first-hand experience that He has given me strength to make it through my trials that are set before me.  He is also there for me when I feel weary.  Why would a God put so much into things for us if there was no love for us?  I tell you that He does love us.
He uses the the word “good” at least 6 times in chapter 1 and one “very good” in vs 31 and He said this after he finished his work.  How amazing is that for God to say something was good that is and awesome complement.  I am glad I was part of this works.  I am glad He saw good not only in the things he created but also the beings He created.  I am so very blessed.

Now why would he do such a thing well Isaiah 43:7 states for His glory.
Isa 43:7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.
I don’t know about you but here it tells me that we were pre-ordained to call upon him. We were made to worship him.  Just like a child worships his father.  God is everyone’s father so why not worship Him. 
Is 60:21 Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.
Again it is stated that we were made to glorify him.  Now I will tell you the meaning of glorify and see if it is something you do or are willing to do for the one who created you.
Glo·ri·fy – ˈglôrəˌfī/Submit (verb) – 1. Reveal or make clearer the glory of (God) by one's actions.
"God can be glorified through a life of scholarship"
Praise, extol, exalt, worship, revere, reverence, venerate, pay homage to, honor, adore, thank, give thanks to; More
2. Describe or represent as admirable, esp. unjustifiably or undeservedly.
"A football video glorifying violence"
Synonyms:  ennoble, exalt, elevate, dignify, enhance, augment, promote (taken from google search definitions) Honestly I love the first meaning how it talks about my God not the fake god’s or ones who try to claim they are.  I am just blown away by this.
Col 3:16 – Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Do you do this? Is this how you live your life with this purpose in mind?  I do everything within my power to do this but I don’t always succeed that is why I am so grateful for His mercies in me because I do not always succeed at least not without Him.
How do we relate or talk to our Father (God) well Ps 33: 1-9 says what we should do. 
(Psa 33:1)  Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.
(Psa 33:2)  Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings.
(Psa 33:3)  Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.
(Psa 33:4)  For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.
(Psa 33:5)  He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.
(Psa 33:6)  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
(Psa 33:7)  He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses.
(Psa 33:8)  Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
(Psa 33:9)  For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
To sum it all up we need to pray, worship, sing, and praise Him.  Again we must Glorify our Creator the one who loves us so much and see and respect what he has made for us.
Is 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? (Wait for it) The Lord is the everlasting God. The creator of the ends of the earth.

His existence is reviled to us by just looking all around.  What do you see?  I know what I see.  I see God in everything.

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