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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I want to say Happy birthday to me.  But what I really want to to thank God for allowing me to live the life that I had lived thus far.  I turn 36 but I have my days that I feel so much older.  But that is all fine because my gracious Lord has given me another day to continue to live in His word.

People have a tendency to blame others or even God for the life that they have recieved.  I want to start something new.  From this birthday on I want to THANK God for the life he has blessed me with.  It made me the man I am today.  I am greatful because if it.  I am not saying this because I had an easy life.  My life had been full of trials and tribulation but I am happy I recieved them.  I am also not saying this because I want people to feel bad because of the difficulties I recieved either.

I want to pray that my Lord Jesus Christ stays with me and keeps me filled with the Holy Spirit and the wisdom to continue living my life to its fullest.  Fullest as in they way He wants me to live and how He guides me in my day to day choice.

Thank you Jesus.  You are my Lord and Savior.

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